Services Details


Standard and specialized testing is done to evaluate the source and severity of hearing loss and impairment. (Audiometry, Tympanometry, ENG etc.) We also have the arrangements for pre-employment hearing tests and occupational hearing tests.

We provide individualized and independent advice about the latest hearing aid technologies and styles. As per the need of patients our specialists suggest the hearing aid, whose fitting and programming is done accordingly. We also give after sales services by repairing aids and adjustments. Ear plugs to protect ears while swimming, sleeping, noise and also musicians ear plugs are also available.

SRT – Speech Recognition Threshold tests for the intensity at which speech is recognized as meaningful symbols. Speech audiometry provides information regarding discomfort or tolerance to speech stimuli and information on word recognition abilities.

SDS or Speech Discrimination Score is done to test ability for speech differentiation between same sounding sounds,”BA and MA
